Friday, October 21, 2005

seven rings for Saturn

O.K. in these chaotic days I realize that not very much science is being discussed. And whatever science is being discussed is this ridiculous notion of "Intelligent Design." Ugggh, get over it people, get your detention outta my recess, and get your religion outta my science class.

But I digress, the real point of this post is to point out some of the amazing pictures being taken by the Cassini probe that has been sent to Saturn. Some of these images are so amazing that they seem almost unreal. Especially the recent images taken of Saturn's moon Dione. Dig that picture with Saturn huge in the background.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

battered old bird

To anyone reading this, my irregular readers, I apologize for being so late on any type of update.
The month of October, is really the beginning of Autumn, which means it's cold. This may seem obvious, but when I think of Southern California, I think it's still wildfire season. The burning days of perpetual indian summer that is Southern California.

With that in mind it's slow at the MOTMOT shop. But that doesn't mean we're not busy, in fact we have more work than we can handle. And that's why I've been so bad about making any updates. (Today I spoke with a Japanese tourist, who told me that MOTMOT means original in Japanese, which I think is a nice bit of serependity.)

I've got a few topics that I've been mulling over for a while, especially COMICS, and the Viennale film festival, and I plan on writing a long entry, as soon as I get the chance. (I guess those serious bloggers do this for a living or something, but I am really just a journal keeper.)