Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's a Livin' Thing!

I just wanted to make a quick update! It's been like, forever! 4 Months, Yikes!
Sorry to my 3 loyal readers, what can I say? I've had lots going on.
Hey, time is money, no wait, time is worth way more than money! (Thanks John!)
What have I been up to?
Vacation? Long stopovers in Atlanta? Wasting time with Nintendo DS?
All of the above!
But, we've mostly been working on our stuff. Big plans for MOTMOT
Lots of new stuff coming up, new buttons, shirt designs, stickers, bags, and other top secret projects!

I've been steadily chiseling away at my new comic:
Cheetahs Never Win No. 2 "NO FUTURE"
It should be way better, but everything you expect from "Cheetah's Never Win"
Again, expect a late summer/early fall expected release date.

I've been Muxtapin' dig my obscure, and not so obscure, punk and power-pop gems! Dig it! I'm trying to update it monthly, which means more often than this biographical-log.

More stuff to report, but it's summer, I should be outside. Not in front of a computer or Gameboy or whatever.

Top Eleven list:
1. Stefan Sagmeister speaking at MQ (and he dug the shirts we gave him, yes!)
(I really should write a full review/commentary of this event!)
2. Those DIY Compilations Rhino Records released in the early 90's
3. Yes, sadly, I've been playing Animal Crossing: Wild World, on Nintendo DS. The most evil and addictive game ever created! Oops, I gotta go pay Tom Nook!
4. OK, I'm back, If you got that joke, you're more of a nerd than I am.
5. Old Superman comics from the 50's and 60's, where Superman, is getting old, fat, bald, loses his powers, or Jimmy Olsen beats him at a pancake eating contest or something.
6. Early Judas Priest: Sin After Sin, and Stained Class!!
7. The Art of Looking Sideways, By Alan Fletcher. An all encompassing book about graphic design and creativity, and about everything else under the sun.
8. The First four Cheap Trick records. Dream Police is, uhhh, Dreamy?
9. Hello, Please! A cool book about Japanese Kawaii characters. I don't know who's better; Pepo the mousey Police mascot, or the Earthquake Preparedness Catfish?
10. The current story line starting in Batman Confidential # 17. The Catfight, which tells the story of the first time Batgirl met Catwoman back in the 80's. Great writing and awesome art by Kevin Mcguire!
11. San Diego band alert: The Muslims, great band. Pretty straight forward indie-punk-power-pop-whatever. I don't know what to label it. How about awesome?