Monday, October 13, 2008

Cheetahs Never Win outtake

Hey here's an outtake from CNW #2, If you've seen the final printed comic, you might sorta recognize this...

The strip was drawn, then changed, then became a completely different strip, but the basic idea is the same, so this was left out!
But I still like this original version. So here it is!
I hope everyone got their copies of Issue No. 2.

And Hey Cheetahs Never Win is now on sale at the awesome Rocketship comic shop in Brooklyn, NY!

Thanks to Simon for pimpin' my goods!

1 comment:

LOOKA said...

I Liked doing it, Steve!

Alex (the bosso) is a nice guy and was all cool. Should have taken picsures of Dinosaurs and Ratos sitting on one and the same shelf in the store, though...