Thursday, June 09, 2005

Who is the Drizzle?

Let's see....
We're painting our new studio/shop this week. So not much to report.
The weather is horrible, terrible, this week, if you thought you've experienced June Gloom, come to Vienna. It's cold and rainy this week. Yeuccchhh.

Let's see what's new in my life.
Read Paul Auster's "Book of Illusions" which I highly recommend. Great book about tragedy and loss done in Mr. Auster's unique style. I heard an interview with him on NPR, and I was relieved when he said that his work was not based on theory, but just came from the gut. He tried to read Derrida, and gave up after about 3 pages (Wow, he got that far!)

I picked up, but haven't finished Terry Eagleton's "After Theory" Which seems to ask some important questions, about (in regard to cultural studies) where we are, and where we are going. He manages to explain Post-modernism in one simple chapter, which is funny because there was a total cottage industry based on explaing the POMO. More on this when I actually finish the damn book.

I've been reading some new/old comics. That crazy Sergio Arragones is really great, and you should treasure him, he's pretty freakin' hilarious, and even better because he doesn't use any words. If you aren't familiar with him, he's the guy who did those funny little comics in the margins of Mad magazine, as well as A LOT more. He draws his comics with a normal fountain pen, no pencils just straight outta the pen, which is amazing in itself.

Some Serious Sergio

And I have also picked up what was always my favorite Superhero comic the Dematties/Giffen version of the Justice league. It's like a comic with superheroes, but then it's not. It's probably the best written comic book featuring superheroes ever written. It's like what would a group of superheroes be like around each other? Insulting and obnoxious! They have made two sequel series, "Formerly Known As the Justice League" and "I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League!" The sequels are even better, they have our former heroes (and I mean former!) get into all kinds of meta-human mayhem, and it's all very readable with great artwork.

Finally, I read the DaVinci Code, not sure what to think actaully, I mean it's a fast paced thriller, it's an easy read, it goes fast, and all. But I have no clue why this book has been a runaway best seller. But it actually does raise some intersting points, about early Christianity (even if it's off a bit) and the roots of a lot of our common symbols, (the Cornucopia, Star of David, and the Pentagram!)
But for someone who reads the Fortean Times on a regular basis, the whole Katholic Kchurch Konspiracy, is, like, old hat.
A friend of mine described it this way, and I quote, "DaVinci Code, because it's so well researched and totally like truth but like fiction too."
It's probably the first novel I have ever read, with product placement in the actual text of the novel. When they make the movie, expect to see lots of Smart Cars and Audis.

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