Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Humid Press Of Days

Hi folks, those of you who still check this space, man, it's been a long time. Holy crap! The last entry was in February, and I was still in California!!! Yikes! Man, that means I haven't had much time to waste on this biographical-log.
Well, a lot has happened.
The first week after I returned to Vienna, we moved into a new apartment, which is actually down the street from the old one. It's nice, and we're pretty happy with the place.
Oh and we moved the MOTMOT shop, down the street from where it used to be, and that has been quite a handful of work. It's fun and actually quite rewarding to run your own shop. So far we haven't lost any $$$. So, hopefully, it keeps doing better. We are working on the website which will be up and running one of these days, with online ordering and all that fancy stuff. Any day now...
And we don't have an internet connection at home, so I can only update this at the shop!

Yeah, so what's new anyway? Lots of time spent working and fixing up the apartment, and not a lot of time for anything else.
My mind is drawing a blank when it comes to what I've been up to. Mostly reading and coming up with new artwork, which isn't really all that exciting to write about. Lots of nights spent drawing and listening to the radio; the life of a graphic designer/illustrator/shopkeeper/screenprinter/commercial artist, it's pretty boring. No crack cocaine hooker parties for me.

Which reminds me that I do have a few things being published this year: I should have a few photos and a few sentences published in the upcoming Jabberjaw book, whenever that gets published. O.K. it's not a lot of stuff, it's a few photos of bands (Lungfish and Trenchmouth) and a paragraph about my overall impression of what made the Jabberjaw so great.
Jabberjaw on Myspace
AND I have a few collages appearing in ROSEBUD magazine. Rosebud is an annual publication which features a different theme for every issue, the upcoming issue will be titled "Ideal." The collages are a series which I made using a color copier. This was a more process-oriented series than I had done before, I would run the collages through the copier multiple times, until I would come up with something interesting. Thematically, the artwork deals with: religious fundamentalism, intelligent design, the apocalypse, evolution, anthropomorphism and commercial art. Somehow these topics seemed to match up with the idea behind the "Ideal" issue. I can't wait until this comes out!
Issue 6 of Rosebud should be out by the end of the year.
Rosebud magazine

I'm also adding a few things to my sidebar, y'know links to friends and good stuff, like 2nd Cannons and Killed By Death Records!

Top Ten for Summer 2006
1. The Marked Men, who says punk's dead. These guys make some great punk music. Can't wait to see them when they play in Europe this fall! Yeah so what If I mentioned them earlier, they still rule!!!
2. Almost everything written by Grant Morrison! WE3 and Seaguy rule, and even his All Star Superman comic is great (yeah, that's right SUPERMAN! Not to mention his run on Animal Man, and the Filth, and Seven Soldiers!)
3. We Jam Econo. I saw this at the local rock-bar, but I ordered the DVD and I think I like it even more, there are some great deleted scenes, and music videos. The Bonus DVD has 3 whole Minutemen shows! A great band, and D. Boon certainly was taken from us way too early.
4. Kenny Burrell, he just rules, to any Kenny Burrel detractors I say, listen to Midnight Blue or Blue Bash with Jimmy Smith!
Technical virtuosity and great feeling, without being too overbearing.
5. Stephen Colbert rules! That speech at the White House Press Corps dinner, ouch! His show ain't bad either!
6. Parallel Worlds by Michio Kaku, A good introduction to the current state of theoretical physics. Stranger than Sci-fi!
7. Swami Sound System streaming online! John Reis' radio show is as great as you would expect!
8. Podcasting, just in general, I'm glad people are getting with it, and making a lot of great shows available. For me it's X-tra great, I can get caught up on my news (and other stuff.)
9. The Fact that the Channels CD comes out this month, I'm sure it's gonna be great. The Licensee is such a great song, and I'm kind of glad to see that it's on Dischord. Waiting for the Next End of the World!
10. The Jam, the Specials, always great summertime music! And lots of great stuff I downloaded from Killed By Death records, that guy is posting some great obscure punk and power-pop. The Toys and Slime ep's are highly recommended!

See ya next time, folks, all 3 of you!

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