Monday, August 28, 2006

We will crush you!!!

Y'know, this has been bugging me for a while now, and I saw this DVD in the post office and finally thought to say my two cents.
Meet Disney's newest addition to Hundred Acre Wood, Heffalump.
Now, Heffalump (or Lumpy as he's called in the movie) is cute and all, but he looks suspiciously similar to the mascot of the GOP.
Is Disney trying to push a conservative agenda on our children? He's purple too, are they trying to say let's all get along (red and blue states) under benevolent Republican hegemony? Look how ONE Heffalump outweighs nearly all the other residents of Pooh's forest! No, our society is not all equal! The needs of the many (Pooh's multi-cultural pals) do not outweigh the needs of the few! (Thanks, Spock!)
I think this poster speaks volumes.

And if you think this sounds ridiculous, just think about Jerry Falwell's attack on another purple character.

(Although, I like this alternative poster quite a bit, and it works well in German.)

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