Thursday, November 02, 2006


Hey folks, nice to be bloggin' again, it's like my two weeks is up, time to make a new mark on the ol' internets.
Just wanted to touch base, and make a few observations.
1. It's the 2nd day of November, and it's the first snow of the year! I am woefully under-dressed for today, time to get the coat out, for those of you that live in California, a coat is thick jacket, with long sleeves, sometimes with a cap or hat attached.
2. Viennale film festival: Not much interesting this year, a bit of a disappointment. We managed to see a film on an Italian mafia-murder case, the interesting documentary "My Country My Country" and John Turturro's "Romance and Cigarettes" which is really a Coen Brothers movie in disguise.
I was kind of disappointed that Jesus Camp, wasn't playing, but maybe next year?
We wanted to see The Pervert's Guide to Cinema which seems like a great documentary featuring Slovoj Zizek (sorry, I dropped the accents) and his ideas and ramblings about the movies. Vienna being the city that it is (I can't help but think that in most towns, a movie screening about a Slovenian philosopher's film theories would be half full, at best) the movie was hopelessly sold out, and we didn't have half a chance of getting in. Lots of art school kids in attendance, looking arty.
3. Raymond Pettibon at the Kunsthalle in Vienna, We all know and love the work of Raymond Pettibon, you know the guy who did the Black Flag art? Yeah well now he's a pretty major and respected artist, and some of his drawings are on display in Vienna. I attended the opening, and it was funny to hear the museum director, go on and on about Pettibon, and then Pettibon, went up and struggled to utter and mumble a few words, and say thanks. I talked him into drawing Gumby and Pokey in my sketchbook, so now I have my own Pettibon drawing!
A few days later Greil Marcus gave a lecture about art and politics, and talked about: Riot Girl, Philip Roth, Bikini Kill, Sinclair Lewis, Sleater Kinney, T.V. on the Radio, and Green Day. When asked about Raymond Petibon, he said something to the extent of "Eh, not a fan."
4. Erwin Wurm at the MUMOK. Erwin Wurm, is pretty bitchen, I like the guy's work, I'll forgive him for the Red Hot Chili Pepper's, because he didn't make it, they were just "inspired" by him. Good Stuff, some of the best artwork I've seen in a while, like Charles Ray, with a sense of humor.
5. I caught them all. I caught/evolved every Pokemon in Pokemon Pinball advanced, I am a nerd.

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