Friday, June 08, 2007

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!

Wow, less than 6 months between posts, I'm on a roll!
I don't know why, but I just haven't posted much of my comics, or other hi-jinx, on this blog. And I think I really should, I blab about everything else; but then I think, it's such an egotistical thing to do. But then I think, ya' gotta hustle, and a blog is a pretty egotistical thing anyway...
Time to toot my own horn, so, here goes.

1. Rosebud Magazine, Number 6. is out now! I've seen it in finer shops in Vienna, and I saw it in London. It's probably in New York, and L.A. and who knows where else! I have a series of color-Xerox collages, taking up 6 pages of this gargantuan (400 pages!) book. Check it out, there is a preview page, (with two of my pieces!) the design is amazing, the whole thing is awesome. Those folks at Rosebud do great stuff!

2. Murmel Comics Number 26 is out now (although extremely difficult to find outside of Austria!) The theme of the issue is "Lying." I drew up a few pages, throwing light on a few of the best yarns I've ever spun. Like the one shown above, now you know the truth about poor Tom Marley!

3. If you know me, you know I've been contributing to Murmel Comics for a while, and a few of my friends have been curious to see what I've been doing. So, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I will be collecting all my Murmel contributions, and a lot of new stuff, and rolling it into my own comics zine. It should be around 32 pages, and should be out some time in the summer! It's still in production! I didn't give up, not yet, at least! Will be available in the Motmot shop, as well as a few other fine outlets!

-have a bitchen summer, K.I.T.-Steve

1 comment:

speedreeder said...

Damn, I use a lot of Exclamation points, watch it next time!