Wednesday, July 13, 2005

rotten rotten rotten

One thing the interent taught us is that there are some fucked up people out there.

I have put up a link to, I have a link to the Rotten library, on my sidebar, because it's THAT interesting.
If you go to the homepage, you get links to all kinds of fucked up shit, and I mean fucked up. Some of you may have seen the motorcycle guy picture, the guy with half of his face missing. Yeuccch.
I'm not really a fan of suicide pictures, autopsy photos, faces of death, etc...

BUT, the Rotten library is a pretty amazing hyper-text. Detailing all kinds of information about all kinds of interesting stuff, you can waste all day at work.

Here is a link to, my sidebar is a link to the rotten library.

You have been warned.

1 comment:

speedreeder said...

Royce, yer right, the actual Rotten sight is pretty fucked up, BUT like I said, the Rotten library (The link in my sidebar) is a pretty good example of what a hyper-text can be.

But the idea of melted corpses. car accidents and porn, really reminds me of J.G. Ballard (in an extreme and twisted way.)