Tuesday, July 05, 2005

some holiday reading

Here's an update of a few things.
There is a great series of articles about Scientology at Salon.com. They ran a series as part of their summer of Scientology. I have always found Scientology strangely fascinating, I suppose driving past the L.Ron Hubbard museum on Hollywood Blvd. at 2:00 AM and seeing a group of their "navy" recruits getting into a bus is what sparked my interest. The group of people were all dressed in a similar manner; white shirts, with blue pants for the boys, and blue skirts for the girls. And they were all getting into a bus to who knows where. I do find it interesting that a "religion" would sue anybody that publishes anything critical of them, and the amount of secrecy they employ is somewhat distubing.
I suppose it really just coincides with my interest in religious weirdness, but Scientology is pretty fucked up, and seems to have few redeeming qualities, unlike more respectable religions, such as Satanism, Voodoo, or Lawsonomy.

salon.com's gonna get sued fer sure

And in the bad news department, my favorite band, the best band rocking the free world, THE HOT SNAKES, have decided to call it a day. It's too bad because they're too fucking good. I'm glad I was able to see them many times, and perform my melodica duties on those rare occasions. I wonder if they are really calling it quits or are taking an extended hiatus? But technically, Drive Like Jehu, never called it quits, they just went on a hiatus, that got longer and longer and longer and longer (and longer!) But I will really be looking forward to whatever those crazy guys do next.

I will always hate the kids

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