Thursday, September 08, 2005

so messed up

I was reading a friend's blog and she really manages to effortlessly do what I have really tried to do, talk about her experiences, while living overseas. I guess I have lived in Vienna long enough that the place seems normal, and less exotic.
I just sort of report of things that I have come across via the internet, oh well.

My poor ipod died today, it's got some weird error, and all the ipod/apple boards said to just send the thing in. I wasted a whole day trying to get this lil' fucker working and still no dice, so I'm gonna have to send it in. And last night I talked to some friends about how cool the ipod was, and now the poor thing went belly up.
Although, the new ipod nano looks pretty sexy...

I downloaded a few episodes of Penn & Teller's "BULLSHIT!"
Man, what a great show, makes me want to get cable and pay for Showtime. I think it's a pretty interesting premise, two comedian-magicians tackle some really serious topics that are rarely discussed. I like the fact that they approach with a skeptic's keen eye. I liked the episode on profanity and obscenity, I thought they really brought the point home. Despite all the political rhetoric about a "nanny state" right wing conservatives really do want to tell you what you can watch on T.V, or listen to on the radio. For all my friends in California, who could care less about what happens in the rest of the country (You know who you are) just wait until the MAN tries to regulate cable television.
The episodes about conspiracies was good, and the episode about the factuality of the Bible was particularly good. Although I am fairly well-verse in some of the absurdities in the Good Book, they really drove the point home.
Good for tuning up the ol' uhhh... bullshit detector.

OK that's it, back to work.

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